Africa Hash
Addis Ababa HHH
Addis Ababa   -     -   Ethiopia
-   running for 43 years   -
Africa Hash

Local Contact Information :

Berhanu Addisu, GM
Tennis Balls
Telephone :   +251-911-206908
Telephone :
Tesfaye Tegegne, RA
Short Cutting Bastard
Telephone :   +251-911-602649
Telephone :  

International Dialing code prefix:   251               Telephone Hotline:  

Eternal HashHouse E-Mail Address:  

Website Home Page:

Mailing Address:

No postal address on file
please provide.....

Usual Runtime : Summer:   Saturday 14h00 from Hilton Hotel
Usual Runtime : Winter: Saturday 14h00 from Hilton Hotel
The Running:     Terrain Type :- Everything - mountains, plains, rivers.
Distance/Pace :- 6-8 km , gentle, 1 hour
Other Run Info:     A family hash, founded by William Petts in 1981.

Average pack size 40 - 60, meets every week at Hilton
Hotel parking lot, 14:00 rain or shine.
All comers welcome. We have a solid pack of Ethiopians plus a lot of NGO, UN and
AU types.
Hash Directory
Entry :
    Saturdays 14h00 from Hilton Hotel parking lot. Mountains, plains, rivers. A gentle 6-8 km, 1 hour run. Everyone welcome. Average pack size 40-60

Date Established:   2-Dec-81       -   42.7 years

By Founder: Bill Petts       from the Mother Hash: Jakarta

and Co-Founders: Ian 'Rabbi' Rossiter

Fill in Form Last updated:   16-May-24     ( Ref No:116 )

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